Journalists frequently contact me with questions about accounting scandals and critical balance sheets. I have often been heard or read on the radio, TV and in various national and international newspapers, and not only in connection with the Wirecard case. I have also helped documentaries with my expertise. Just to name a few examples: Besides CBNC, The New York Times, Washington Post, ARD and ZDF info, I was also quoted in Süddeutsche Zeitung and Business Insider.
Below I have listed all my TV and radio appearances, interviews and citations. You will also find a list of the SdK Talks where I was presenter or interviewee on critical financial statements.
At this point, I would like to highlight the format “Finanzfrauen – Frauen aus Wirtschaft und Finanzen im Gespräch” (“Financial Women – Women from Business and Finance in Conversation“), in which I regularly invite successful women together with my speaker colleague Alice Wotsch and we gain insights into various areas.